
And the winner is ...


Emma wrote:
"How fun! I am in the middle of planning a birthday party for my almost 4 year old. He wants a basket ball theme. So I'd order some with a basketball and 'Happy Birthday Timothy' on them."

Thanks to everyone who commented. I've never given something away, and I might never do it again because it's hard to pick just one winner ... but my friends at Random.org made it painless.

Send me your email Emma, and I'll send you the info to personalize your Fruit Roll-ups.

(The rest of you can still order them here, but unfortunately they won't be free.)


Fruit roll-ups

Remember Fruit Roll Ups? Well, they're baaaack! Actually, I don't think they've gone anywhere, except for children's lunch boxes, but I personally stopped buying them a few years ago. So it was sort of a retro experience to have PBN let me pick out and order My Fruit Roll Ups.

Basically, My Fruit Roll Ups are a box of Fruit Roll Ups all imprinted with a design or message of your choosing. All you do is go to the Website and personalize your box o' treats with a design and/or message of your choosing. (One design per box, which is OK because the boxes aren't huge - 30 rolls apiece.)

The website is fun and mostly user-friendly. I found it pretty easy to use and had my box ordered in about 10 minutes, half of which were spent playing around. There are more than 400 image options, ranging from holidays to sports, and infinite message possibilities. You can choose your font, colors, etc. One catch? You can't choose the color/flavor of your Roll Ups, as far as I can figure out. Mine were red/watermelon so I guess that's the default flavor.

I decided to go with an image of a baby and a message that shall remain a secret, but you can probably guess what it says. And, no, I'm not pregnant. And, no, I'm not going to be any time soon. But one day I will be, and how cool would it be to throw some of these in the mail? A fun way to spill the baby beans, in my opinion.

Only bummer is the design and message aren't as bold as I hoped they would be. So instead of sending an overwhelming message about my hormone levels, I'll probably have to include a note - "Pay careful attention before you go chomping willy-nilly on these bad boys."

Overall, I think it's a cute idea. One cannot have enough personalized products in my opinion, and these are way cool than a mini-license plate. And if you made a birthday message for a young child's party, their party would go from fun to fabulous! All for $29.99 + shipping. (Orders ship in about 15 days.)

But it gets even better. Want to make your own? Just head over to the website and then come back to leave a comment about what design and message you would pick. I'll pick a winner at random, who will get a free box of these bad boys. Just leave your comment by midnight, June 10. (No offense to my friends across the pond, but this offer is valid for U.S. residents only. Commis!)